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Helping You Overcome


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a type of severe anxiety that can happen after someone has been through a really frightening and traumatic event in their life.

Events where a person was either physically harmed or felt a very real threat of being harmed during that traumatic event. PTSD may occur immediately after the event, or several years later.

I have also given PTSD hypnosis treatment to people in jobs where they have seen or heard traumatic events, such as the fire service or the army.

As a clinical Post Traumatic Stress Disorder specialist, I am experienced in helping PTSD sufferers to overcome severe anxiety and start living life to the full again.

It is possible to feel free of PTSD, so please don’t delay this non-medical, non-intrusive treatment.

You may feel intense fear, panic and distress when memory is prompted by images, sights, sounds, words, dreams

You may anticipate vivid flashbacks, reliving the trauma as if it is happening nowproblems at every turn

You may exhibit aggression and/or unreasonable behaviour towards others

You may partake in self-destructive behaviour

PTSD doesn’t have to be permanent.

How do we eliminate PTSD?

PTSD is ill-named. It is not a disorder and is simply better referred to as PTS. It can happen to anyone although veterans who have served in war zones are the most obvious example. But it can be a simple as being in a car accident.

It can turn as complex pts in people who have had multiple traumatic experiences from childhood

When working with people who have this experience I ask them not to talk about it. This does not help as it reaffirms existing neural pathways. So I work as fast as possible to minimise the period of discomfort which this can entail.

Depending on the individual I will use a technique chosen for a range of skills depending on the circumstances

What are the symptoms of PTSD?


  • Vivid flashbacks, reliving the trauma as if it is happening now
  • Intense fear, panic and distress when memory is prompted by images, sights, sounds, words, dreams
  • Hyper-arousal/extreme alertness, easily startled and on-edge
  • Helplessness
  • Restless sleep
  • Nightmares
  • Nausea, trembling and sweating
  • Quick-tempered and over-sensitive
  • Aggression and/or unreasonable behaviour towards others
  • Self-destructive behaviour
  • Substance abuse/alcohol abuse/self-harm
  • Avoidance of talking about emotions or feelings



What is PTSD?


PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can occur after a person has been exposed to a traumatic event. PTSD is caused by the repetition of memories and flashbacks of the traumatic event, which are triggered in different situations.

The symptoms may be severe enough to disrupt social and occupational functioning; these disruptions then cause depression–which further worsens the symptoms.

PTSD can also lead to substance abuse problems as people try to self-medicate their way out of it. And worse still, sufferers have increased risk for suicide attempts or death by homicide because they often feel like they are living in a constant state of danger.

What Causes PTSD?

As mentioned above, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is caused by frightening, traumatic events. These could include; car crashes or major accidents, extreme violence, sexual assault or rape, bullying, terrorism or being held hostage, witnessing abuse or an upsetting death, complex childbirth, being diagnosed with a terminal illness and many other dreadful events in which one fears for one’s own life.


What is a PTSD Flashback?

A PTSD flashback is when you vividly re-live part of the traumatic event that you were subjected to. Flashbacks can last anything from a few seconds to (rarely) a few days. It can feel as if it is happening right now in front of your eyes, like watching a movie clip. Many things can trigger a PTSD flashback, such as a specific location or person, a song or a movie, a noise or a smell. Flashbacks can also happen at random, for no apparent reason. You might feel actual pain, touch or pressure during a flashback, and it is likely you will be overwhelmed with emotion. Please don’t continue suffering from this severe form of anxiety when treatment for PTSD is readily available. We can help unlock your potential and free you of flashbacks.

Why Doesn’t PTSD Go Away?

It’s the biology of survival. The fight or flight part of the brain links and locks permanently with the traumatic event so that you are alert and prepared to escape if a similar event should happen again. The problem with this is that, whenever memories of the event enter your mind, you become instantly alert and highly stressed, ready for fight or flight. This is called hyper-arousal. It is exhausting and distressing to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Clear memories of the full event are not stored correctly in the brain because it has been overwhelmed, so many everyday sensations can trigger severe anxiety and partial flashbacks. It is very hard to talk about the event or feelings related to it, as one has to re-live the trauma and the body’s survival instinct automatically kicks in as if under real threat.

How Can I Help?

Treatment for trauma or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is an effective, drug-free therapy to help you overcome this debilitating condition.  I can treat you remotely using Zoom, meaning you can receive the treatment in your place of comfort and safety. 

It is important to seek professional support to recover from PTSD, because this is a severe form of anxiety that can be haunting and debilitating. You might feel like you are going mad, trying to keep busy and avoiding anything that reminds you of the trauma.

It is possible to feel free of PTSD, so please don’t delay this non-medical, non-intrusive treatment.

When you get in touch we talk through the range of options I can offer to assist you to move forward in as gentle a way as possible.

My Work With Icarus

Until recently I was proud to support Icarus; a Scottish registered charity, providing free, confidential, impartial mental health treatment service for military, veterans and all uniformed services in the UK who suffer from mental health or addiction issues. 

I offered my services through them to veterans suffering with PTSD to help free them from their flashbacks and symptoms – allowing them to live their life freely again. 

Let’s Do Something About It

Early on we will calibrate where you are so we can track your progress.

We’ll explore in as much depth as you feel comfortable with, what you feel has contributed to or caused your problem and look at ways in which we can release that so that, from the beginning, we are focused on changing your mindset.

We’ll use a variety of modern therapeutic approaches to assist in this process and I’ll teach you tools and techniques to last a lifetime as we move you forward to living life with ease and confidence.

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