In an era marked by growing environmental concerns and an escalating climate crisis, a new term has emerged into the spotlight: climate anxiety. This prevalent emotional response has been increasingly affecting individuals of all ages, particularly gaining traction among Gen Z.

But what exactly is climate anxiety, and does it qualify as a mental illness? Is it merely a buzzword, or does it have real-life implications? In this blog, we embark on a journey to unpack the concept of climate anxiety, exploring its origins, manifestations, and its very existence in our daily lives. We will also delve into the specific experiences of Generation Z, shedding light on the unique ways in which they grapple with climate anxiety in today’s world.

Understanding Climate Anxiety


The term “climate anxiety” has been circulating widely in recent years, but is it classified as a mental illness? The short answer is no; climate anxiety is not officially recognized as a distinct mental disorder in diagnostic manuals such as the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Instead, it is more aptly described as a psychological response to the mounting threats posed by climate change.

Climate anxiety can manifest in various emotional and behavioural ways, but it’s important to understand that experiencing anxiety about the climate crisis doesn’t automatically categorise one as having a mental illness.

A lady, from Gen Z holding a #GenZ Flag

Climate Anxiety Among Generation Z


Gen Z, often defined as those born from the late 1990s to the early 2010s is growing up in a world acutely aware of climate change. For this generation, climate anxiety is a palpable concern. The younger members of Generation Z, in particular, have spent their formative years witnessing environmental disasters, hearing dire predictions about the future, and participating in climate activism. As a result, many Gen Z individuals grapple with feelings of fear, anger, and despair regarding the state of the planet they are inheriting.

Does Climate Anxiety Exist?


Scepticism sometimes arises regarding the legitimacy of climate anxiety. Some may argue that it’s just a term coined to describe normal worries about the environment. However, climate anxiety is indeed a real and documented phenomenon. It represents a specific emotional response to the perceived threats posed by climate change, and it’s rooted in genuine concerns about the future of our planet. Research and anecdotal evidence alike have shed light on the existence of climate anxiety and its impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being.

The Climate Crisis: Causes of Concern - Placcards at an environmental protest
 about climate change

The Climate Crisis: Causes of Concern


The United Kingdom, like many other parts of the world, finds itself in the midst of a climate crisis that has sparked growing concern among citizens. But what exactly are the reasons behind this increasing worry, and which specific issues contribute to the anxiety surrounding climate change in the UK? In this section, we will delve into the key factors that have been driving the heightened apprehension about the climate crisis within the UK.

Extreme Weather Events:

One of the most tangible consequences of climate change is the rise in extreme weather events. The UK has experienced a notable increase in severe weather conditions, including heavy rainfall, flooding, and heatwaves. These events not only disrupt daily life but also have significant economic and social impacts, causing damage to homes, infrastructure, and agriculture. As such, the frequency and severity of these events have left many UK residents anxious about their future and safety.

Impact on Biodiversity:

The UK’s natural environment and biodiversity face a significant threat from climate change. Habitats are changing, and some species are struggling to adapt or facing extinction. The loss of beloved wildlife and the disruption of ecosystems have struck a chord with many people, who worry about the long-term consequences for the environment and the interconnected web of life.

Rising Sea Levels:

Coastal communities in the UK are increasingly concerned about rising sea levels, which can lead to coastal erosion and threaten homes and infrastructure. In some regions, sea defences are being reinforced, but this is not a sustainable solution in the long term. The prospect of losing coastal areas and historical landmarks due to rising sea levels adds to the anxiety surrounding climate change.

Food Security and Agriculture:

Climate change can disrupt agricultural patterns, affecting food production and security. Unpredictable weather patterns, shifts in growing seasons, and increased risks of pests and diseases all contribute to worries about the availability and affordability of food in the future. These concerns resonate with both farmers and consumers alike.

Health Impacts:

The health of the UK population is not immune to the effects of climate change. Increasing temperatures can lead to heat-related illnesses, and the spread of diseases carried by insects may become more prevalent. Poor air quality resulting from pollution and wildfires also poses health risks. These potential health impacts amplify concerns about climate change and its direct consequences on human well-being.

Global Responsibility:

Many people in the UK are aware of their country’s role as a contributor to historical greenhouse gas emissions. The recognition of this responsibility, combined with the urgency of addressing climate change on a global scale, has led to a sense of moral duty and the desire to be part of the solution. However, the enormity of the task and the slow progress on international climate agreements can cause frustration and anxiety.

symptoms of anxiety

Signs and Symptoms of Climate Anxiety


Climate anxiety, while not a formally recognised mental disorder, is a legitimate emotional response to the existential threat posed by climate change. It manifests in various ways, impacting individuals on emotional, psychological, and even physical levels. Understanding these signs and symptoms is crucial for recognising climate anxiety in ourselves and others and for seeking appropriate support and coping strategies.

Persistent Worry and Fear: One of the hallmark signs of climate anxiety is persistent worry and fear about the state of the planet and the future. Individuals with climate anxiety often find themselves preoccupied with thoughts of environmental destruction, species extinction, and the potential consequences of climate change for themselves and future generations.

Emotional Distress:

Climate anxiety can lead to a range of intense emotions, including sadness, anger, despair, and helplessness. The overwhelming sense of powerlessness in the face of such a massive global issue can contribute to feelings of emotional distress.

Eco-Guilt: Many individuals with climate anxiety experience guilt about their own environmental impact, even if they are making efforts to reduce it. This guilt can stem from a sense of complicity in a system that contributes to climate change or from the belief that they aren’t doing enough to mitigate their carbon footprint.

Physical Symptoms:

Climate anxiety can manifest physically, leading to symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems, and sleep disturbances. These physical manifestations are often a result of the emotional and psychological stress associated with climate anxiety.

Avoidance Behaviours:

Some individuals cope with climate anxiety by avoiding news or conversations related to climate change. They may distance themselves from environmental issues to protect their mental well-being, which can lead to a sense of isolation.

Grief and Loss:

Climate anxiety can evoke a sense of grief for the losses already experienced due to climate change and the potential losses in the future. This grief can be for natural landscapes, species, or even a way of life that is threatened by environmental changes.

Climate-Related Preoccupation:

Individuals with climate anxiety may constantly monitor environmental news and trends, seeking out information and updates about climate change. While staying informed is important, excessive preoccupation can be detrimental to mental health.

Relationship Strain:

Climate anxiety can strain relationships, especially when family members or friends have differing views or levels of concern about the climate crisis. These conflicts can add to an individual’s emotional burden.

Guilt About Future Generations:

Concern for the well-being of future generations is a common theme in climate anxiety. Individuals may feel guilty about the world they are leaving behind for their children and grandchildren, which can lead to a deep sense of responsibility.

Climate-Induced Eco-Anxiety Dreams:

Some people with climate anxiety report experiencing distressing dreams or nightmares related to climate change, further highlighting the emotional toll of this anxiety.

It’s important to remember that climate anxiety is a valid emotional response to a pressing global issue. Recognising these signs and symptoms is the first step toward addressing climate anxiety and finding ways to cope effectively. In the following sections, we will explore strategies for managing climate anxiety and fostering resilience in the face of the climate crisis.

Coping strategies for environmental anxiety

Coping Strategies for Climate Anxiety


Climate anxiety can feel overwhelming, but there are practical steps you can take to manage and reduce its symptoms in your daily life. Whether you’re dealing with climate anxiety yourself or trying to support a young person grappling with these concerns, the following tips and advice can help you navigate this emotional challenge effectively.

Stay Informed but Set Limits:

Keep yourself informed about climate change, but set boundaries to prevent information overload. Limit your exposure to distressing news when necessary.

pConnect with Like-Minded Communities:

Join or create local or online communities where you can share your feelings and thoughts about climate change. Knowing you’re not alone can provide comfort and support.

Take Positive Action:

Channel your anxiety into positive action. Engage in climate activism, volunteer for environmental causes, or make sustainable choices in your daily life. Taking action can empower you and reduce feelings of helplessness.

Practice Self-Care:

Prioritise self-care routines that promote mental and emotional well-being. This can include meditation, mindfulness, exercise, and spending time in nature.

Encourage Open Conversations:

Foster open and non-judgmental conversations with friends and family about climate anxiety. Encourage dialogue to better understand each other’s concerns and feelings.

Seek Professional Help:

If climate anxiety significantly impacts your daily life, consider seeking help from a mental health professional who can provide guidance and coping strategies tailored to your needs. Hypnotherapy for anxiety can be a useful tool in addressing the root causes of your anxiety, helping you manage stress, and promoting a sense of calm and resilience in the face of climate-related concerns.

Stay Hopeful and Resilient:

Cultivate a sense of hope and resilience by focusing on solutions, progress, and the potential for positive change. Celebrate successes in climate action, no matter how small.

Practice Eco-Friendly Living:

Make sustainable choices in your lifestyle, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting eco-friendly products and initiatives. Knowing you’re making a difference can alleviate some anxiety.

Disconnect from Technology: 

Take breaks from digital devices and    screens to connect with the natural world. Spending time in nature can provide solace and perspective.

Encourage Youth Engagement:  

If you’re a parent or guardian, support and encourage young people in their climate activism efforts. Validate their concerns and provide a platform for their voices to be heard.

Educate and Empower:

Educate yourself and others about the positive actions being taken globally to combat climate change. Understanding the progress being made can alleviate feelings of hopelessness.

Focus on Local Solutions:

Engage in local sustainability initiatives and support policies that address climate change at the community level. Local actions can have a meaningful impact.

By implementing these coping strategies and seeking support when needed, you can effectively manage climate anxiety and take positive steps toward a more sustainable future. Remember that addressing climate anxiety is not only about reducing personal distress but also about contributing to the collective effort to combat climate change.

eco friendly packaging choices

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Choices

In the face of climate anxiety, making eco-friendly lifestyle choices not only benefits the environment but also provides a sense of purpose and control. By adopting sustainable practices and making conscious changes in your daily life, you can not only reduce your ecological footprint but also alleviate some of the anxiety associated with the climate crisis. Here are some eco-friendly lifestyle choices to consider:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

Embrace the classic mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle.” Minimise waste by avoiding single-use plastics, opting for reusable products, and recycling materials whenever possible.

Energy Efficiency:

Make your home more energy-efficient by upgrading insulation, using energy-saving appliances, and switching to LED bulbs. Reducing energy consumption lowers both your carbon emissions and utility bills.

Sustainable Transportation:

Choose eco-friendly transportation options such as cycling, walking, carpooling, or using public transit. If feasible, consider switching to an electric vehicle.

Conscious Consumption:

Prioritise mindful and sustainable consumption. Buy products that are made with environmentally friendly materials, are durable, and have minimal packaging.

Plant-Based Diet:

Reducing meat consumption and adopting a plant-based diet can significantly lower your carbon footprint. Consider incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet.

Water Conservation:

Conserve water by fixing leaks, installing low-flow fixtures, and reducing water usage in daily activities like showering and washing dishes.

Support Renewable Energy:

Choose a renewable energy provider if available in your area. By using clean energy sources, you can directly support the transition to a low-carbon future.

Eco-Friendly Gardening:

Practice sustainable gardening by using native plants, composting, and avoiding chemical pesticides and fertilisers.

Reduce Air Travel:

Minimise air travel when possible, as it has a significant carbon footprint. Consider alternative forms of travel or virtual meetings.

Clothing Choices: – Support sustainable fashion by buying clothes from eco-friendly brands, choosing second-hand items, and donating or recycling old clothing.

Eco-Friendly Home Improvements: – Invest in eco-friendly home improvements such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, or green roofs.

Zero-Waste Living: – Aim for a zero-waste lifestyle by reducing single-use items, composting organic waste, and purchasing products in bulk.

Advocate for Change: – Use your voice to advocate for policies and initiatives that address climate change at local, national, and global levels. Join or support environmental organisations working towards positive change.

Offset Your Carbon Emissions: – Consider carbon offset programs or donations to organisations that plant trees or support renewable energy projects to balance your carbon emissions.

By incorporating these eco-friendly lifestyle choices into your daily routine, you can make a positive impact on the environment and find solace in the knowledge that you are contributing to a more sustainable future. Taking concrete steps to address climate change can help alleviate some of the anxiety associated with the climate crisis, as it empowers you to be part of the solution.

eco conscious community members litterpicking

Seeking Support and Community


Addressing climate anxiety is not a journey one should embark on alone. Seeking support and finding a like-minded community can be instrumental in managing anxiety and fostering resilience in the face of the climate crisis. Here’s how you can connect with individuals, support groups, and professional resources to navigate climate anxiety effectively:

Join Environmental Organisations:

Consider becoming a member of local or national environmental organisations. These groups often host events, workshops, and campaigns that allow you to connect with others who share your concerns.

Attend Climate Action Events:

Attend climate marches, rallies, and community events focused on climate change. These gatherings provide a platform to meet like-minded individuals and engage in collective action.

Online Communities:

Explore online communities and social media groups dedicated to climate change discussions. Platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter host numerous groups where you can share experiences and seek support.

Support Groups:

Look for climate anxiety support groups in your area or online. These groups offer a safe space to express your feelings, share coping strategies, and receive emotional support from peers who understand your struggles.

Professional Help:

If climate anxiety significantly impacts your daily life and mental well-being, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Therapists and counsellors can provide specialised guidance and coping strategies.

Educational Workshops:

Participate in climate-related workshops and seminars. These educational events can deepen your understanding of climate change and connect you with experts and individuals who are passionate about addressing the issue.


Explore eco-therapy, a form of therapy that focuses on the connection between mental health and nature. Some therapists specialise in eco-therapy and can help you navigate climate anxiety.

School and University Initiatives:

If you’re a student, inquire about climate action clubs or initiatives at your school or university. These groups often promote awareness, education, and activism among students.

Share Your Story:

Share your experiences with climate anxiety through writing, art, or public speaking. Your story can resonate with others and create a sense of community.

Encourage Open Conversations:

Encourage open discussions about climate change within your existing social circles, including friends and family. You may find that some of your loved ones also share your concerns.

Engage in Climate Activism:

Get involved in climate activism, whether it’s through grassroots organising or supporting established movements. Activism not only connects you with like-minded individuals but also empowers you to drive change.


Climate anxiety is a natural response to the pressing challenges posed by the climate crisis. However, by recognising its existence and taking proactive steps to manage it, you can transform your anxiety into a force for positive change. Seek out support from communities and professionals, connect with others who share your concerns, and channel your energy into meaningful action.

Remember that addressing climate change is not a burden that falls on your shoulders alone. It’s a collective effort that requires collaboration, advocacy, and a commitment to a sustainable future. By working together and supporting one another, we can navigate climate anxiety and actively contribute to a world that is more resilient, sustainable, and hopeful.

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